Rotisserie Chicken Over Charcoal & Gas!

As part of my Gas2Coal series I thought I would run with cooking a rotisserie chicken on our Gas2Coal Burn Unit to see how well it coped with a charcoal cook.

As part of my Gas2Coal series I thought I would run with cooking a rotisserie chicken on our Gas2Coal Burn Unit to see how well it coped with a charcoal cook.

So first thing of course buy a chicken, a whole chicken and season it because why not. Initially I ground sea salt all over the chicken and left if for an hour or so so dry the skin out and create a crispy skin. I then made up a garlic butter for a slather and once cooled covered the bird with it (still partially liquid of course) and then added Tubby Toms Roast Dust all over the bird to enhance the rotisserie flavour. In the mean time I light the Gas2Coal having removed the deflector plates and inserted the charcoal tray with some fresh charcoal. I used just the centre two sections of the charcoal tray as this was perfect for one chicken and light the centre burner to light the charcoal, gave it 7-8 minutes then turned the gas off and closed the lid, job done.

It’s been a while since I used a rotisserie so I did encounter an issue with the securing screws becoming lose as they heated up and I set the arm that holds the motor too high so the lid didn’t close fully but a couple of adjustments later and we were cooking with gas, or charcoal in this instance.

This was the perfect situation to use my Meater wireless probe as rotisseries and wires don’t get along. A cracking system that warned me when the temperature of the barbecue was dropping so rather than add more charcoal for the last 6 degrees I light the gas burners and tada, within 10 minutes the cook was complete. I hate to admit it BUT having gas to light you charcoal is easy and having gas as a backup if the charcoal burns out too soon is a Godsend!

So conclusion, I’m enjoying the flexibility of the Gas2Coal, charcoal flavour with the convenience of gas, it’s got to be a winner!


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