So with the introduction of The Coffee Shack to The Barbecue Shack business I thought I would run a quick demo on making an Americano on our Gaggia Classic demo machine. I would make my usual latte but that involves you guys watching me steam milk, I’m okay at it but wouldn’t say I was a barista so maybe later! Back to the Americano, a drink for our cousins across the pond that either couldn’t handle the strength of an espresso or just didn’t get a drink that small, I suspect a bit of both! Either way it has grown in popularity and does provide a tasty beverage if done right, or my way it’s up to you.
So I have taken to pouring the hot water first and then shooting the espresso into it. Do I think it makes a difference? No, I just don’t splash coffee everywhere doing it this way, plus I do like to see the espresso disperse into the cup. I also like to use the Brewista Pouring Kettle as this will stop heating just before the boil and then hold it at whatever temperature I set it at until I need it, clever.
I do prep my puck (ooh ‘er misses) as I feel that a properly prepared puck makes a perfect espresso (try saying that three times quickly). This is something that I have experimented with, I use a WDT Tool (Weiss Distribution Technique) to de-clump the coffee grinds as clumps are the enemy of a smooth coffee. Water will force its way around the clumps rather than through them meaning that you will not get the full extraction from your shot. I also use a coffee distributor (I know, they are all called distributor but they distribute the coffee in your portafilter in different ways) and because I’m stupid I didn’t catch this bit on the video but basically it spins in the portafilter and ensures a flat even distribution with a touch of tamping to ensure that there are no thin areas within the portafilter.

So above from left to right is the WDT Tool, the Distribution tool and a Tamper. Are all these necessary? Certainly the first two so as you get a more consistent shot and if you have bought quality coffee beans and an expensive grinder to grind the beans to espresso perfection why not finish the job properly for the sake of buying a few inexpensive accessories?
Was this the best Americano I’ve ever made? One of yes!